DOB: August, 1988

LOCATION: Alberta, Canada

LANGUAGES: English, Français

ART SKILLS: Drawing, writing, advertisements

OTHER SKILLS: Active imagination, strong sense of core values including integrity and courteousness. 


  Hi, my name is Victor B. I hope one day to be a renown artist and writer. I have started Dragon Flames Media in early 2015 in hopes to fulfil a passion of mine to offer quality service in terms of art to the busy working class. 

  I have studied many forms of art including photography, sign making and advertisement and seek to see your vision with an open mind. I believe that no matter how good the artist is, if he doesn't put a piece of the client in the artwork, the artwork will never bee complete. However my studies are never ceasing as I am always looking for better and faster ways to connect visually with people through my artwork. Ney places, techniques and skills can always be found if you look just around the bend.

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